Monday, February 21, 2011

Entry #3

     Before my day even began, I was able to pick up a special surprise from a faraway friend: A rare and nay-unobtainable Suicune. In fact, it looked a bit odd and I discovered it was like two other Pokemon in my collection: shiny! It completes my collection of the Legendary Beasts of Ecruteak, fortunately, so I'm extra happy to have stumbled upon such a rare find! Still, the more 'mundane' parts of my journey must go on...
     My homework seems to have paid off! I wasted no time this morning before retrieving three Pokemon from my PC boxes at the Pokecenter in Ecruteak, where I spent the night last night. Before I knew it, I had added an Exeggutor, Poliwrath, and Vileplume to my collection of Pokemon! I was planning to evolve my Vulpix but discovered I was without a Fire Stone! Oh well, I'll have to try to find one tomorrow...

New Pokedex Entry
#045 - Vileplume
Flower Pokemon - Grass/Poison Type
Height 3'11" - Weight 41.0lbs
"It has the world's largest petals. With every step, the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen."

New Pokedex Entry
#062 - Poliwrath
Tadpole Pokemon - Water/Fighting Type
Height 4'03" - Weight 119.0lbs
"This strong and skilled swimmer is even capable of crossing the Pacific Ocean just by kicking."

New Pokedex Entry
#103 - Exeggutor
Coconut Pokemon - Grass/Psychic Type
Height 6'07" - Weight 264.6lbs
"Its three heads think independently. However, they are friendly and never appear to squabble."

     My Pokedex still insisted I needed to evolve some more Pokemon and I had some spare Moon Stones stored away, so I decided to evolve some Pokemon that needed those. Fortunately, I already had a Jigglypuff in my PC which quickly grew to become a Wigglytuff. Unfortunately, I didn't have a Nidorino or Nidorina, so off I flew to Lavender Town to bike my way on down to Route 15.
     Routes 13 and 14 turned out to be pretty uneventful, and even Route 15 coughed up a pair of Nidos for my collection easily enough. Back in Lavender Town I was able to use my Moon Stones, completing another evolution trio. I think tomorrow I'll look for a Clefairy so I can call this particular collection complete.

New Pokedex Entry
#031 - Nidoqueen
Drill Pokemon - Poison/Ground Type
Height 4'03" - Weight 132.3lbs
"Its body is covered with needle-like scales. It never shows signs of shrinking from any attack."

New Pokedex Entry
#034 - Nidoking
Drill Pokemon - Poison/Ground Type
Height 4'07" - Weight 136.7lbs
"It swings its big tail around during battle. If its foe flinches, it will charge with its sturdy body."

New Pokedex Entry
#040 - Wigglytuff
Balloon Pokemon - Normal Type
Height 3'03" - Weight 26.5lbs
"Their fur feels so good that if two of them struggle together, they won't want to be separated."

     While in Kanto, I decided then would be the best time to track down a couple more Pokemon in the area. The day was young and I still had so much more to accomplish! The first of three Kanto quarries was Mr. Mime on Route 21.Skie's flight landed me in Pallet Town, original home to the great trainer Red. I hadn't seen much of him since our last fateful meeting so I checked into his home. Unfortunately, his mother told me he hadn't been home in a while, so I can only assume he's back atop Mount Silver, training for the next great battle. There were still Pokemon to hunt, however, and I remembered where the elusive patch of grass was that would contain the rare Mr. Mime. A short Surf around a pesky fence and I was soon bombarded with Tangela. Cutting my waythrough them, I eventually caught the eye of a Mr. Mime who quickly fell prey to a False Swipe and a Poke Ball.

New Pokedex Entry
#122 - Mr. Mime
Barrier Pokemon - Psychic Type
Height 4'03" - Weight 120.1lbs
"A skilled mime from birth, it gains the ability to create invisible objects as it matures."

     My next hunt brought me to Route 3 where (I had heard from the ever-beautiful Mary on the radio) Baltoy were swarming! As it turned out, she wasn't wrong! I managed to catch two of them with Aces' assistance before leaving. Wouldn't want to be too greedy, of course. Still in Kanto, I traveled to Victory Road, a good middle ground between Kanto and Johto. Inside, I would find Rhyhorn. While it is more common in the Safari Zone, I decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to find it in Victory Road. As it turns out, Victory Road isn't abundant in Rhyhorn. Just as I was thinking my luck would be better elsewhere... a Rhyhorn appeared! It was a little tougher than most and it took a few False Swipes to weaken it enough, but it quickly succumbed to my Dusk Ball.

New Pokedex Entry
#111 - Rhyhorn
Spikes Pokemon - Ground/Rock Type
Height 3'03" - Weight 253.5lbs
"It is inept at turning because of its four short legs. It can only charge and run in one direction."

     My next target was a short flight from Victory Road: Blackthorn City's Ice Cave. Within I hoped to find Jynx. I was prepared for a difficult challenge since it is about as rare as Rhyhorn, but after only a few Golbat and Swinub I was able to locate and capture a Jynx!

New Pokedex Entry
#124 - Jynx
Human Shape Pokemon - Ice/Psychic Type
Height 4'07" - Weight 89.5lbs
"It rocks its body rhythmically. It appears to alter the rhythm depending on how it is feeling."

     As it turns out, I was able to turn in a bit early. Relaxing after a long day of obtaining nine Pokemon for my Pokedex, I tuned in to Buena's Password for a chance to win fabulous prizes. I heard the secret password and rushed to the Radio Tower in Goldenrod and was able to call it out on air! I guess that's one more point for me. Wonder what I'll win if I keep trying...

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