Friday, February 18, 2011

Update 1 - Feb. 19th, 2011

Officially midnight on the 19th, so I'm taking a second to introduce both this blog and myself. Or, better yet, Liam, who is not myself but will be narrating this blog from this point forward.

This Blog
After several hours of fervid box sorting, I came to the conclusion that my HG/SS Pokédex is sorely in need of some filling and decided to undertake the particularly gruesome task of completing it, getting 'Caught' data for all 493 species of Pokémon. Rather than restarting the game which I have put many hours into, I decided to just begin hunting now, with a few more than 200 (exact number will be at the bottom of this post) Pokémon already in my possession, including many of the hard (see: impossible) to find legendaries of games gone past. This may seem like somewhat of an unfair advantage and, yes, many of these legendaries were traded to me from some friends. However, I see this not as an advantage, but simply a good starting point. This blog is supposed to be a 'first person' perspective from my in-game character Liam and starting as already accomplished trainer out to complete his journey is as good a place to begin as any.
Each day will feature a 'journal entry' from Liam as well as an update on Pokémon caught that day, current Pokédex status, and possibly a doodle or two from his sketchbook showing his view on what happened. Each day's entry will be a recording of approximately one hour of real life in-game time, but will transgress from Liam's waking to his retiring for the night.

The name Liam could possibly throw some off, as I have another character named Liam who is, ironically enough, the star of another blog I'm hoping to begin soon. Consider this Liam different yet exactly the same. I have chosen to display him as the default HG/SS trainer in the header and subsequent pictures for the simple fact that while my Liam is based on the game's Liam, these are two different characters who will most likely act similarly, but not the same. Liam will also have an eerily similar party in both blogs, though the party introduced in this post is based on my actual in-game party.

Liam is the lone star of New Bark who set out on his Pokémon journey with his faithful Totodile, Artie, at his side and returned months later stronger and wiser, and with eight gym badges and a full team of powerful Pokémon in tow. He has since conquered the Kanto league and the redesigned Indigo Plateau, marking him as a true champion. Even the legendary Red fell before his team's combined power, leaving him with little left to do...
He now spend most of his days in Goldenrod, always browsing the selection of the famed Department Store and viewing records in the local GTS center. Feeling incomplete, he decided it was time to prove to both himself and the world that he truly was the best Pokémon Master... by collecting every Pokémon known to man. Of course, he also brought along his trusty diary in which to record this harrowing journey that would take him across the land, sear- Never mind...

The Party
Aces - Boreas - Skie - Liam - Bless - Joules - Artie

Aces the Scizor - Notable Move(s): False Swipe
- A crimson blur that is capable of weakening and aiding in the capture of a Pokémon before it has a chance to move.
Boreas the Walrein - Notable Move(s): Surf/Whirlpool
- And understated powerhouse that helps Liam cross the sea when he isn't destroying anyone who is crazy enough to stand in Liam's way.
Skie the Rayquaza - Notable Move(s): Fly
- Don't... don't even look at it.
Bless the Togekiss - Notable Move(s): Air Slash
- A pint-sized powerhouse that rarely lets the opponent know what's going to happen before it dies. 
Joules the Ampharos - Notable Move(s): Flash
- Trusty sidekick from day... 2, Joules was raised from a Mareep found early in Liam's adventure and has been a friend to him ever since.
Artie the Feraligatr - Notable Move(s): Waterfall
- Liam's best and oldest Pokémon friend, Artie is a fun-loving Feraligatr who's secretly a big ol' Totodile on the inside. Still, his Crunch is worse than his bark and when he teams up with Joules to deliver a Thunder Storm, you better watch out.

Now, without further adieu, I present to you the official Pokédex Completion Status, which can be found at the end of each post in this blog. Check back tomorrow for an even higher number and Liam's personal journal entry detailing his day's adventures.

Pokédex Completion Status
Seen - 365 | Obtained - 232

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